Children with ASD often thrive off of a consistent schedule. So when your kiddo has to transition from summer vacation to a regular school schedule, it can pose a big challenge. If you and your kiddo have a hard time changing schedules at the beginning of the school year, consider trying out these tips!
Talk to your kiddo about school ahead of time. Conversations about school help set expectations of what’s to come. Strategies include setting a schedule for morning and nighttime routines ahead of the school year and hanging up a calendar or a photo of your child’s school schedule in plain view for your child to see. What can also help is scheduling a playdate with your kiddo’s classmates!
Prepare for the school year earlier than usual and make it fun. Try scheduling trips to the store for new clothes and supplies as an activity! Also, be sure to buy clothes that are comfortable for your kiddo.
Visit the school with your kiddo ahead of time. Tour the school, and if you’re able to, practice your child’s schedule onsite with your child so they feel comfortable in the environment before the first day of school. If teachers and administration are around, meet them as well!
Get in touch with school leadership and support staff. The school may have some additional resources available to you and your kiddo. Additionally, inform your child’s teacher of their diagnosis. If the teacher has little experience with ASD, inform them of resources that help your child.