Elementary School
Spectra School’s Elementary Program emphasizes school readiness skills and functional academics to support young learners as they begin their educational journey. Student success and mastering identified individualized goals are priorities of the school. “Play well with others” is the value that we most identify with – we learn how to share, make way for others’ opinions, accept differences, speak up for what we need, and have fun while learning.
Spectra School’s Elementary School classrooms focus on core curriculum with an emphasis on how to incorporate learning into everyday life. All classes at Spectra School use Student Friendly Objectives, Academic Vocabulary, different levels of thinking, and evidence outcomes. Electives are identified and selected by the Spectra School education staff on an annual basis, depending on needs and / or interests. Students are placed in classrooms based upon their ages, ability levels, and the intensity of their behaviors.
Why Spectra?
Safety, advocacy, and new ways of learning are emphasized in the Spectra Elementary Program. We offer a wide variety of special education teachers and related service providers who each bring their own unique teaching style to the classrooms. Together, they create a dynamic school. Their teamwork is unparalleled, especially when students transition from room to room or grade to grade. Students will often touch base with teachers of years past just to check in.
Our Academics
Spectra School is an Approved Facility School by the Colorado Department of Education. Established by Colorado Academic Standards and our own Interdisciplinary Intervention Model, Spectra School's academics are tailored to the student through an individualized curriculum based on the student's IEP. We offer the required Colorado Academic Standards-aligned curriculum for Reading, Writing, Communicating (English Language Arts), Mathematics, and Science to assist our students in transitioning back to public schools. Spectra School utilizes Extended Evidence Outcomes, if they are identified on an individual student's IEP. The curriculum and Safety Net Standards inform instruction and coursework while providing a scope and sequence for all ages, grade levels, and ability levels represented in our classes. We also embed strategies and research-based curricula to better structure instruction for our students and fill in any academic gaps. For Social Studies, information from Learning Keys and curriculum guides from a Colorado Public School will be used. These curriculum guides address government, social studies, civics, US history, and world history.
On August 3, 2011, the State Board of Education unanimously adopted the Extended Evidence Outcomes (EEOs). EEOs implement the alternate standards in Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Reading, Writing and Communicating for students with significant cognitive disabilities who qualify for the alternate assessment. These alternate expectations are directly aligned to the grade level expectations for all students.
If applicable, all students complete i-Ready diagnostics for math and reading. They also participate in state required assessments, depending on a student’s grade level. Alternatively, those who are appropriate use ABLLS and / or the alternative state assessments.
Special education students are provided services as identified in the Education Policies and Procedures. Spectra School follows all applicable state and federal laws.
Our Location
7205 West 120th Avenue,
Broomfield, CO 80020
Monday - Friday: 8am - 6pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Email Us: info@spectracenters.org
Call Us: (303) 665-6800