Use of Funds
Overview Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Grant
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was enacted in March 2020, which included $30.75 billion nationally for an Education Stabilization Fund. The Education Stabilization Fund was allocated according to the following percentages:
9.8% to the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund ($2.95 billion)
43.9% to the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund ($13.23 billion)
46.3% to the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund ($13.95 billion)
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund dollars were appropriated to state education agencies (SEAs) based on the previous year’s Title I shares, with 90% allocated to local education agencies that received a Title I allocation in the most recent fiscal year and the remaining 10% reserved for state activities. LEA allocations were calculated using the Title I formula; however, relief funds will not be subject to Title I requirements.
Colorado was allocated $120,993,782 from the U.S. Department of Education from the ESSER Fund. Of the total allocation to Colorado, CDE was required to allocate a minimum of $108,894,404 (90%) to local education agencies (LEAs) and was able to reserve no more than $12,099,378 (10%). Of the state reserve, CDE may use no more than $604,969 (half of 1%) for administrative purposes. The 10% SEA reserve is to be used for emergency needs as determined by the SEA to address issues related to COVID-19, which may be addressed through the use of grants or contracts.
Source: Colorado Department of Education – ESSER webpage
At Spectra Centers, ESSER III funds have been allocated to the following areas: (1) Curriculum and training to provide better student support and staff education, and (2) Improved quality of air through the installation of evaporative coolers and door restoration.
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7205 West 120th Avenue,
Broomfield, CO 80020
Monday - Friday: 8am - 6pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Email Us: info@spectracenters.org
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